Closing the Tags

Now you added your text,  and you are done with the page.  Now it is time to close all of the tags.

If you chose to use the Table and larger font size,  those now need to be closed.



Notice that they are closed in the opposite order,  from when you opened them.  This HAS to be done this way,  remember,  there is a definite order to HTML codes and computers are very fussy about the way they read the codes.

Your entire code,  from the very beginning should be:

<html><head><title>Your Title Here</title></head>

<body bgcolor="Your Color" text="Your Color" link="Your Color" vlink="Your Color">

<center><table border="0" width="560"><tr><td><br><br><br>

<center><b><i><h2>Your Heading Here</h2></i></b></center><br><br><br>

<font size="3">

Your page text here.


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