The Page Editor

You will see a big, empty box at the bottom of the page. (Big, empty, and intimidating.) This is where you will "write" your page.

Scroll down and click on the box. You will see your curser flashing in the upper left corner. Hit either DELETE or Backspace a couple of times. You want to make sure the curser is up in the corner and there are NO spaces before it.

Now you will type your code:


This tells the computer (or MSNTV) that there is a page here for it to read. Make sure you have the code just as it is written here, as there is a definite order to things. Make sure there are NO spaces between your brackets and the letters, or between the sets ofcodes.

Next you will put the command that tells the computer the title of your page:


The code for this tutorial page looks like this:

<<>html<>><<>head<>><<>title<>>Working with the Page Editor

By putting a title here, when you go to this page, you will have the title show up in your status bar. (We have all gone to pages and had "Untitled" show up in the status window, that is because they didn't use the <<>title<>> command.

Now, it is time to CLOSE these top commands: Right After the title you have written in, put:


It will look like this:

<<>html<>><<>head<>><<>title<>>Working with the Page Builder<<>/title<>><<>/head<>>

Now it is time to add some color. For this tutorial, I will just use colors, and not backgrounds.

Hit your RETURN key and type in:

<<>body bgcolor=" (NOTE: there is a space between body and bgcolor, and the word bgcolor is one word). You MUST put the = (equal) sign and the " quotation mark before the color name.

For this page I used a black background color: <<>body bgcolor="black" Now make sure ou have a " (quotation mark) after the color name.

Now you are ready to put in TEXT color:

<<>body bgcolor="white" (space)text="navy" (space)

<<>body bgcolor="white" text="navy"

Now you will need to put in a LINK color (this will make the page you are linking to stand out on the page)

<<>body bgcolor="white" text="navy" (space)link="darkred" (space)

<<>body bgcolor="white" text="navy" link="darkred"

And the last body command I use is for the VLINK (visited link). This will show a link you have visited in a different color.

<<>body bgcolor="white" text="navy" link="darkred" (space) vlink="white"<>>

<<>body bgcolor="white" text="navy" link="darkred" vlink="darkgreen"<>>

Now that you have your head, title, and body commands done, it is a real good idea to save your work.

Scroll down, past the big box, and click on: Use this HTML

You will be taken to a page where is says something about you and otheres being able to view your new page.

What I do at this point is to use my back button to go back into the Page Editor and click on the big box and work some more

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The Next Part for Computer Users