These instructions are for the beginner who has already signed up for a Tripod Homepage account. Since I have a WebTV Plus unit with a wireless keyboard, these instructions are based on that. Now, once you have your homepages at Tripod: You should have a folder of sites you will keep all of your F-Keys sites. If you don't already have a folder like that, now is the time to make one. 1. Go to your Favorite Folders. 2. Click on "Add Folder" 3. Name your new folder anything you want. I call mine, "No Discard" I won't accidently discard the wrong page. You now have a special folder for your F-Key sites. Now.... Go to the Freeloader: When the page loads up, Click on the "SAVE" button on the top of the keyboard. A "menu" will appear of the names of your FAV folders Sroll down until you see "No Discard" or whatever you have called your special folder. Click on it And then click on "Save" You now have the Freeloader saved in that folder. Now, there is something you need to do while you are at the Freeloader. For those instructions, Go H E R E B A C K to the Tutorials Index |