Making Sub-Directories

Now you have your homepage account.

Before you do anything else, write down your Tripod member name and password... in a couple of places, so they don't get lost

So, now what ??

Think of your homepage file manager (Housekeeper) as a big File Cabinet.

You can just go ahead and Transload (File) everything in this one place, OR, you can make Sub-Directories (File Folders) to keep things separate and in order.

To make Sub-Directories go into the Tripod Housekeeper.

On the center of the page, you will see: "Things you can access from the Homepage Housekeeper"

Right under that, you will see a grey "jumpbox" thing with an arrow on it...Click on that.

1 Scroll down to :
"Create a New Sub-directory"
Click on it.

Then click on: go!

2. On the next page you will see a little box,

3. Move down to the box, and "DELETE" whatever is written in there.

4. Then type in whatever you want you sub-directory (file folder) to be called:
For example lets say you want a folder for animated things:
in the box, type in "animations"
then click: "Use this filename"

This will create your sub-directory (folder)

You will be taken to the page where your images or pictures will be stored.

From there, in the upper left hand corner... in tiny letters, click on
the "Housekeeper" box... (yellow I think) should be the second "box" at the top of the page.

You will be back at the Main File Manager.

Go to the jumpbox thing, and create another folder; Repeating the above steps.

I have sub-directories for:

Images (non-animated things)
Music (for music on my pages)
Photos (in case I have a photograph I want to save)

Now, go back to the Housekeeper one more time. Write down the EXACT spelling of the new sub-directories you have just created.

On to the N E X T page.

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