1. Move the curser down to : "Load cookies: # 1" click on this (this should fill in your "Homebase URL", FTP Remote Server", "User Login" and "Password" 2. Move your curser down to : "Files to be copied"... this should have also been filled in with the address of the image you want to copy... BUT... if for some reason it isn't... See Below. 3. Move all of the way down to :" Sub-directory" fill in the name of the sub-directory (file folder) you want this image to be stored in 4. Move down to: "New name for this file" In this box type in the name you want the image to have (for the dove heart with the Mom and Dad on it, I would use MDHeart1.gif) Make sure the name ends in eiher .gif or.jpg 5. Use your Arrow Down button ONCE 6. Click on whichever Freeloader is highlighted You will be taken to a page with a BIG box on it. Under the box is a clickable address. That should be the address to YOUR new image at YOUR tripod homepage If the File to be copied box does NOT have the address to the image: Move your curser to the box, Delete anything in the box Press your "CMD" plus your"V" keys at the same time. Now, if you have a midi you want to transload, go H E R E B A C K to the Tutorials Index |